The shirt is the basis of one's wardrobe. You can wear it for work or for leisure, it can be adjusted or have a boyfriend cut, you can go with a plain white one or choose one with a printed pattern. Thus, a shirt can reflect your unique style and made-to-measure encourages you to do so.
Since a shirt is in direct contact with your skin, make sure that the quality of the fabric is proven. The most recommended ones are made out of natural fibers like cotton or linen (or their blend) proposed by iconic brands such as Albini, Tessitura Monti, Canclini or Thomas Mason. A natural material will help your skin breathe and prevent sweating. It is also more pleasant to touch. As for the type of texture, you can choose anything from twill to poplin or oxford, according to your preferences. Depending on its purpose, your shirt can be white, light blue or light pink or, for more casual occasions, with a discreet printed or embroidered pattern. It’s always better to consult your tailor when choosing the best color depending on your skin tone. A tailoring expert can also advise you on what collar type suits your face and later on which cuffs will be the best complement. Know more about women service here.
Made-to-measure is very advisable in a lot of circumstances as it will give you the possibility of adjusting a shirt on every level, no matter your morphology. Female customers often have difficulties in prêt-à-porter, which proposes blouses or shirts in standardised sizes. And thus such blouses will spread on the bust level, are too long in the shoulders or on the sleeves, too small in the collar, just to name a few. A tailored shirt will be adapted to one's silhouette as well as one’s personal style. Your tailor can save several patterns for you, depending on the occasion: a more adjusted one with pleats on the bust and back, a more relaxed one to wear when running everyday errands and a super sized vacation style pattern for your linen shirts. The most important is the comfort of wearing but also the possibility to play with fashion and add some customisations chosen just for you. It’s the small accessories that evoke your personal taste such as the boutons, color of the buttonholes, contrasting fabric inside the cuffs, lettertype for your initials and so one. Your business shirt doesn't have to be dull and like everyone else's, you can decide and choose the individual modifications that reflect your taste.

Fabrics to recommend
For your everyday or business shirt choose 100% cotton in twill or oxford. Poplin, especially in white, can seem a bit transparent so it is more advised for a casual, less adjusted shirt. Ask your tailor for fabrics from Thomas Mason, Albini or Tessitura Monti. If you are looking for a summer shirt, a nice choice is linen or cotton-linen blend from Canclini. Remember that this type of blouse shouldn’t be too adjusted as linen may shrink in the washing machine.