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Ferala Team

Our activity is not limited to making tailor-made clothing. It’s also about meeting interesting people, looking for new opportunities and exchanging experiences. This was our goal when we established cooperation with a young racing driver, Lucas Walter. This talented athlete became our client and our encounter turned into a collaboration that we hope will continue in other areas.


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When Lucas offered us a partnership for this year's VW Fun Cup season, we accepted without hesitation. For us, it was a way to test our strength as a sponsor in a new sector and see what such cooperation could bring. Lucas, a very kind person and very concerned about his public image, assured us that combining our two worlds would be an interesting adventure. Both in the field of luxury tailor-made clothing and in car racing, precision and the desire to always improve are essential. We look forward to discovering our next steps in this collaboration

One of the sponsor's privileges is an invitation to the race and participation in this extraordinary event from behind the scenes. The first weekend of May the Fun Cup took place at the fantastic Spa Francorchamps circuit in Belgium and it is to this event that we would like to dedicate today's article. Before we begin, a few words about the idea of the Fun Cup itself and our pilot. Fun Cup is an endurance car race that is part of the VW Fun Cup1, the principle of which is to offer everyone the opportunity to participate in a car race where the vehicles have identical chassis and engines. The cars participating in this competition are Volkswagen beetles, but don't let the gentle appearance of this machine fool you, because under the hood is a 170 hp engine paired with a sequential gearbox and whose speed can reach up to 200 km/h. The bodywork is made up of three polyester elements and each team outperforms itself in patterns and colors, which creates a spectacular effect on the track. Fun Cup races take place in many countries and the season ends in Portimao in Portugal in October. So there are many opportunities to participate in this event, which we strongly encourage.


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Lucas, the driver we have the pleasure of supporting, belongs to the Orhes Racing team, commanded by Olivier Pernaut, one of the most successful teams in the Fun Cup France. Lucas is cooperating with Orhes Racing for the third consecutive season and in 2024 he has entered the Ligier championship aboard the Ligier JS2R number 42 and in FunCup on the number 455. These are the two machines that proudly wear the Ferala logo this season.


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The main Fun Cup race at Spa took place on Sunday, May the 5th, and lasted 8 hours. We arrived at the site around noon and we could already hear the noise of the engines of these extraordinary machines from the parking lot. We were invited into the main building where each team's stand was located. It allowed us to follow the race behind the scenes, see how the mechanics work as well as the change of drivers. It should be noted that each vehicle is piloted by several drivers due to the long duration of the race. It was very impressive when the mechanics removed a pilot from the right side of the car while his replacement took the wheel. Meanwhile, the rest of the technical team checks the car, washes the windows and, if necessary, makes immediate repairs. The whole thing takes several seconds and the car leaves the pit as quickly as possible and joins the race.

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Before our arrival, race car number 455 occupied 20th place out of 110 registered cars. Unfortunately, following an accident by one of the drivers, the machine had to be repaired for almost an hour, and the lost time could not be made up. Despite this unfortunate accident, the Orhes team did not allow itself to be destabilized and the energy and commitment of its members were felt until the end. As spectators of the race, we felt great pleasure in being part of this adventure. The Spa Francorchamps track is beautifully located, we were able to watch the events unfold from the top floor of the main building and the weather was good for us and the drivers. We were introduced to the members of the Orhes Racing team and the other drivers and we can thank them for the very warm welcome we received.

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We also warmly thank Lucas, the one who introduced us to this privileged world of motorsport. He made sure we were taken care of from start to finish which made it a day to remember. We hope that the 2024 season will be successful for the Orhes Racing team as well as Lucas and that they will surprise us with podium places, which we sincerely wish for them!

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If you would like to know more about our driver, Lucas Walter, as well as Fun Cup, please visit the websites: