Summer is in full swing and probably some of you are already enjoying it. This year is quite special since, after two years of pandemic and health restrictions, we can finally go out without masks nor vaccination certificates. We can travel, take part in mass events, enjoy grand family reunions and weddings. Thus, this last article before the summer break is devoted to a special fabric collection that evokes lightness, celebration and comfort. The book in question is the “Anteprima” collection by Ermenegildo Zegna.
This capsule collection is divided into sections with different types of fabrics adapted to various occasions. The purpose was to offer a contemporary array of materials, in several blends, to cover most of summer events: from everyday wear and casual blazers to wedding suits. Ermenegildo Zegna succeeded in creating a collection that brings together city life and nature and will find its enthusiasts regardless of age. Zegna revives vintage checks and pinstripes and shows those patterns in combination with unconventional colours, but browns and beiges are dominant tones.

What is interesting about this book is that you can prepare your attire for almost any occasion using only fabrics proposed here. Tailoring jacket section shows lightweight wool and silk blends created especially for travelling. The Cross-ply proposes wool, silk and linen blends in darker colours that you can easily use for your business jacket. Tessitura di Novara consists of 100% silk in mostly blue colours that will be an excellent choice for a dinner jacket.
Worth mentioning is the suit fabric section, where you will find wool and silk blends and super thin Australian wool in toned down colours for your everyday business suit. For summer weddings and events Zegna has prepared a selection of wool and linen as well as linen and silk blends. Those fabrics come in lighter colours like beige, cream and steel blue and have more daring patterns.

One of our favourite section in “Anteprima” is the Sport Jacket section. Large houndstooth, big checks or wide herringbones evokes more tweed patterns but here Zegna interprets them into summer fabric. The colour palette is rather natural going from beige, brown and light blue.
To complement this capsule book the draper proposed several seersuckers that can be used either for a jacket or for a whole suit. The last but not the least are the jersey fabrics, also in quite bold patterns like large houndstooth but focusing on maximum comfort.
The strength of this catalogue is that it offers lightweight materials, adapted to summer, in many patterns and blends for different social events. The idea behind was to propose an interesting alternative to the ordinary but not too extravagant out of respect for more conservative customers. We would say, quite well done!